Last purchase
14 ₽Today at 01:34The Fortune Hunter6,20 ₽Today at 01:32The Extra Layer19 ₽Today at 01:27Hong Kong Cone3,17 ₽Today at 01:23Refined Metal3,17 ₽Today at 01:23Refined Metal89,99 ₽Today at 01:22Tour of Duty Ticket20,70 ₽Today at 01:22The Tomb Readers89,99 ₽Today at 01:21Tour of Duty Ticket89,99 ₽Today at 01:21Tour of Duty Ticket89,99 ₽Today at 01:21Tour of Duty Ticket3,16 ₽Today at 01:21Refined Metal3,16 ₽Today at 01:21Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,18 ₽Today at 01:20Refined Metal3,17 ₽Today at 01:19Refined Metal3,17 ₽Today at 01:19Refined Metal2,93 ₽Today at 01:09Refined Metal2,94 ₽Today at 01:09Refined Metal2,94 ₽Today at 01:09Refined Metal2,94 ₽Today at 01:09Refined Metal2,93 ₽Today at 01:09Refined Metal2,93 ₽Today at 01:09Refined Metal
The most expensive 24 hours
4 584 ₽Yesterday at 11:49Strange Specialized Killstreak Australium Knife3 699 ₽Yesterday at 11:16Strange Australium Black Box2 677,13 ₽Yesterday at 10:12Unusual Taunt: Kazotsky Kick1 100 ₽Yesterday at 21:18Mann of the Seven Sees1 100 ₽Yesterday at 09:52Dynamite Abs1 010 ₽Yesterday at 13:46Strange Specialized Killstreak Conniver's Kunai999 ₽Yesterday at 15:12Puffy Provocateur810,10 ₽Yesterday at 10:01Dynamite Abs590 ₽Yesterday at 18:34Genuine Aperture Labs Hard Hat587,31 ₽Yesterday at 18:42Taunt: Kazotsky Kick586,55 ₽Yesterday at 11:23Taunt: Kazotsky Kick586,48 ₽Yesterday at 11:13Taunt: Kazotsky Kick586,48 ₽Yesterday at 10:50Taunt: Kazotsky Kick586,45 ₽Yesterday at 09:45Taunt: Kazotsky Kick574,99 ₽Yesterday at 07:49Unusual Taunt: Doctor's Defibrillators542,99 ₽Yesterday at 14:56Taunt: Kazotsky Kick
The most expensive of all time
89 474 ₽17.04.2024 18:50Strange Unusual Hat Outta Hell28 539 ₽24.11.2024 17:22Unusual Lumbercap24 000 ₽1.10.2024 12:06Strange Professional Killstreak Original21 000 ₽5 Jan 14:35Fireproof Secret Diary20 210,53 ₽28.08.2024 12:46Strange Professional Killstreak Australium Sniper Rifle20 000 ₽7.08.2024 22:54Specialized Killstreak Jag Kit Fabricator20 000 ₽7.08.2024 22:41Specialized Killstreak Batsaber Kit Fabricator19 000 ₽20.05.2024 17:06Strange Burly Beast18 763,16 ₽3.07.2024 15:22Strange Ghastlierest Gibus18 192,19 ₽31.12.2021 11:34Specialized Killstreak Festive Sniper Rifle18 000 ₽3.07.2024 15:07Unusual Texas Ten Gallon17 000 ₽10.08.2024 10:27Specialized Killstreak Iron Curtain Kit Fabricator17 000 ₽10.03.2024 14:56Strange Professional Killstreak Night Terror Scattergun (Factory New)16 900 ₽3.07.2024 13:51Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Australium Flame Thrower16 550 ₽20.11.2024 00:33Strange Professional Killstreak C.A.P.P.E.R16 500 ₽9.08.2024 10:04Unusual Brothers in Blues