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Specialized Killstreak Fan O'War
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The minimal price on the Steam market 178,49 ₽.

Specialized Killstreak Fan O'War

Unique, Melee weapon, Scout, Not craftable

Team Fortress 2

Level 5 Gunbai

Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit

On Hit: One target at a time is Marked-For-Death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits

Sheen: Hot Rod

Killstreaks Active

-75% damage penalty

Winds of Gravel Pit
Scout brings on his deadly fan!
You are Marked-For-Death

( Not Usable in Crafting )

Auto-buy requests

66,66 ₽
1 pc.
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Specialized Killstreak Fan O'War
Specialized Killstreak Fan O'War

Team Fortress 2

Level 5 Gunbai

266,40 ₽