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Strange Specialized Killstreak Apoco-Fists
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The minimal price on the Steam market 160,09 ₽.

Strange Specialized Killstreak Apoco-Fists

Strange, Melee weapon, Heavy, Craftable

Team Fortress 2

Strange Fists - Kills: 0

Killing an enemy with a critical hit will dismember your victim. Painfully.

Sheen: Villainous Violet

Killstreaks Active

Turn every one of your fingers into the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! That's over nineteen Horsemen of the Apocalypse per glove! The most Apocalypse we've ever dared attach to one hand!

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96,68 ₽96,66 ₽90 ₽89,99 ₽86,66 ₽ or less
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Strange Specialized Killstreak Apoco-Fists
Strange Specialized Killstreak Apoco-Fists

Team Fortress 2

Strange Fists - Kills: 0

200 ₽
Strange Specialized Killstreak Apoco-Fists
Strange Specialized Killstreak Apoco-Fists

Team Fortress 2

Strange Fists - Kills: 0

299 ₽