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Professional Killstreak Powerjack
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The minimal price on the Steam market 440,13 ₽.

Professional Killstreak Powerjack

Unique, Melee weapon, Pyro, Craftable

Team Fortress 2

Level 5 Sledgehammer

When weapon is active:

+15% faster move speed on wearer

+25 health restored on kill

Killstreaker: Hypno-Beam

Sheen: Villainous Violet

Killstreaks Active

20% damage vulnerability on wearer

The Gas Jockey's Gear

The Degreaser

The Powerjack

The Attendant

Item Set Bonus:

Leave a Calling Card on your victims

Auto-buy requests

222,24 ₽222,22 ₽155,55 ₽148,88 ₽124,98 ₽ or less
1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.