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Specialized Killstreak Clover Camo'd Air Strike (Factory New)
Team Fortress 2
Commando Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
-15% blast damage from rocket jumps
Increased attack speed and smaller blast radius while blast jumping
Clip size increased on kill
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active
-15% damage penalty
-10% explosion radius
Infernal Reward Collection
Fire Glazed War Paint
Freedom Wrapped War Paint
Dream Piped War Paint
Bonk Varnished War Paint
Bank Rolled War Paint
Kill Covered War Paint
Pizza Polished War Paint
✔ Clover Camo'd War Paint
Quack Canvassed War Paint
Merc Stained War Paint
Star Crossed War Paint
Cardboard Boxed War Paint
Bloom Buffed War Paint