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Unusual Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats
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The minimal price on the Steam market 2 021,52 ₽.

Unusual Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats

Unusual, Cosmetic, Scout, Sniper, Soldier, Demoman, Medic, Heavy, Pyro, Spy, Engineer, Craftable

Team Fortress 2

Level 86 Hat

This item name is changed to: ''Brooks' Brilliant Topper''

★ Unusual Effect: Starstorm Insomnia

Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics state that 1. Robots can't harm humans and 2. Robots must obey humans, and 3. This hat looks great.

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1 370,02 ₽1 370 ₽1 355,22 ₽1 225,07 ₽877 ₽ or less
1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.2 pc.