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The minimal price on the Steam market 977,64 ₽.
Strange Professional Killstreak Scorch Shot
Team Fortress 2
Strange Flare Gun - Kills: 791
100% mini-crits vs burning players
Flare knocks back target on hit
and explodes when it hits the ground.
Increased knock back on burning players
Killstreaker: Incinerator
Sheen: Villainous Violet
Killstreaks Active
-35% damage penalty
-35% self damage force
This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Auto-buy requests
344,68 ₽ | 344,44 ₽ | 333,33 ₽ | 322,22 ₽ |
1 pc. | 1 pc. | 1 pc. | 1 pc. |