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Genuine Vox Diabolus
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The minimal price on the Steam market 22 ₽.

Genuine Vox Diabolus

Genuine, Cosmetic, Engineer, Craftable

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

Paint Color: Drably Olive

With this Vox Populi anarchist mask, you can terrify your enemies into thinking you're the Devil Himself, or worse, a protestor. Either way, they're probably going to avoid you at the entrance to the supermarket when you try to get them to sign something.

Auto-buy requests

10,24 ₽10,19 ₽10,15 ₽10,12 ₽10,11 ₽ or less
3 pc.1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.7 pc.
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Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

34,85 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

34,86 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

35 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

42 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

99 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

122,81 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

141,61 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

155 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

168,86 ₽
Genuine Vox Diabolus
Genuine Vox Diabolus

Team Fortress 2

Level 1 Hat

184,32 ₽