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Brawler's Iron Rescue Ranger (Well-Worn)
Team Fortress 2
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Well-Worn)
Alt-Fire: Use 100 metal to pick up your targeted building from long range
Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings
-34% clip size
-50% max primary ammo on wearer
Self mark for death when hauling buildings
4-to-1 health-to-metal ratio when repairing buildings
Scream Fortress XVI Collection
Broken Record War Paint
Necropolish War Paint
Stardust War Paint
Stealth Specialist War Paint
Piranha Mania War Paint
Graphite Gripped War Paint
Team Detail War Paint
Gobi Glazed War Paint
Sleek Greek War Paint
Team Charged War Paint
✔ Brawler's Iron War Paint
Blackout War Paint