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Strange Killstreak Piña Polished Claidheamh Mòr (Well-Worn)
Team Fortress 2
Commando Grade Sword (Well-Worn)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 33
When weapon is active:
This Weapon has a large melee range and
deploys and holsters slower
0.5 sec increase in charge duration
Killstreaks Active
Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter
No random critical hits
15% damage vulnerability on wearer
Jungle Jackpot Collection
Park Pigmented War Paint
Sax Waxed War Paint
Yeti Coated War Paint
Macaw Masked War Paint
Croc Dusted War Paint
✔ Piña Polished War Paint
Anodized Aloha War Paint
Bamboo Brushed War Paint
Tiger Buffed War Paint
Leopard Printed War Paint
Mannana Peeled War Paint