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Staff of the Frozen Feather
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The minimal price on the Steam market 0,43 ₽.

Staff of the Frozen Feather

Uncommon, Standard, Wearable, Crystal maiden

Dota 2

Uncommon Staff

Used By: Crystal Maiden

Frozen Feather

{a}Bracers of the Frozen Feather{/a}

{a}Cape of the Frozen Feather{/a}

{a}Pauldrons of the Frozen Feather{/a}

{a}Staff of the Frozen Feather{/a}

{a}Hood of the Frozen Feather{/a}

A day before the wizard descended into the glacier to begin his hibernation, he offered Crystal Maiden these last, precious gifts: armor and a staff, strong as ice but light as a feather, believed to have once belonged to a winter deity.

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