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Heroic Shoulders of the Hidden Talent
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Heroic Shoulders of the Hidden Talent

Rare, Heroic, Wearable, Silencer

Dota 2

Rare Shoulders

Used By: Silencer

The Hidden Talent

{a}Shield of the Hidden Talent{/a}

{a}Bracers of the Hidden Talent{/a}

{a}Helm of the Hidden Talent{/a}

{a}Robe of the Hidden Talent{/a}

{a}Shoulders of the Hidden Talent{/a}

{a}Glaive of the Hidden Talent{/a}

When a heavy silence falls, Nortrom will need mighty shoulders such as these to bear up under its weight.


Double Kill

Fata of Unknown Team scored a double kill against TEAMERINO TINKERINO on Apr 25, 2015 (13:26:17).

MatchID: 1424063315

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