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Borealis and Puppey, Guardians of Ambry
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The minimal price on the Steam market 6,67 ₽.

Borealis and Puppey, Guardians of Ambry

Mythical, Standard, Wearable, Lycan

Dota 2

Mythical Wolf

Used By: Lycan

Gift From: Feckson

Date Received: Oct 16, 2015 (7:54:18)

The Hunter of Kings

{a}Pelt of the Hunter of Kings{/a}

{a}Curse of the Hunter of Kings{/a}

{a}Avatar of the Hunter of Kings{/a}

{a}Trail of the Hunter of Kings{/a}

{a}Midnight Rippers of the Hunter of Kings{/a}

{a}The King's Nightmare{/a}

{a}Borealis and Puppey, Guardians of Ambry{/a}

Includes an ability icon.

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