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Headdress of the Father Spirits
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The minimal price on the Steam market 0,29 ₽.

Headdress of the Father Spirits

Rare, Standard, Wearable, Dazzle

Dota 2

Rare Headdress

Used By: Dazzle

Ritual Garb of the Father Spirits

{a}Fetish of the Father Spirits{/a}

{a}Headdress of the Father Spirits{/a}

{a}Great Pipe of the Father Spirits{/a}

{a}Ritual Skirt of the Father Spirits{/a}

Fashioned from the feathers of the violet shryll, a bird that flies with its wingtips trailing through the Nothl realm, while the rest of its body sails in the light of this world.

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