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Autographed Crown of the Truebark Adherent
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Autographed Crown of the Truebark Adherent

Mythical, Autographed, Wearable, Nature's prophet

Dota 2

Mythical head

Used By: Nature's Prophet

Truebark Adherent

{a}Treant of the Truebark Adherent{/a}

{a}Staff of the Truebark Adherent{/a}

{a}Mantle of the Truebark Adherent{/a}

{a}Crown of the Truebark Adherent{/a}

{a}Beard of the Truebark Adherent{/a}

{a}Cape of the Truebark Adherent{/a}

{a}Bracers of the Truebark Adherent{/a}

When Virga Truebark defied the Iron Princeling and sounded the Oakfall Horn, let it be known that Verodicia's favored son stood with her, fighting loyally by her side.

International 2018 Autograph by Dong 'DC' Can
Autograph Rune TI - 2017

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