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Heroic Sandworn Visage of the Ancient Sovereign
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Heroic Sandworn Visage of the Ancient Sovereign

Rare, Heroic, Wearable, Sand King

Dota 2

Rare Face

Used By: Sand King

The Ancient Sovereign

Stinger of the Ancient Sovereign

Vestigial Wings of the Ancient Sovereign

Claw of the Ancient Sovereign

Sandworn Visage of the Ancient Sovereign

Crawlers of the Ancient Sovereign

Unearthed from the sand-scoured ruins of El'Harath, from this Visage the entire culture of the Sovereign has been resurrected.


Double Kill

Kyle of compLexity Gaming scored a double kill against Team_eHug on Feb 15, 2015 (14:08:35).

MatchID: 1242214356

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