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Blastmitt Boreblade
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The minimal price on the Steam market 18,64 ₽.

Blastmitt Boreblade

Immortal, Standard, Wearable, Bristleback

Dota 2

Immortal weapon

Used By: Bristleback

Blastmitt Berserker Bundle

Blastmitt Boreblade

Savager's Serum

Blastmitt Berserker

It was only too late that Rigwarl learned wearing Pinzik's horrific armor would take a terrible physical toll. But given its efficacy in battle, even had he known from the start, it's likely he would have made a willing trade.

( Not Deletable )

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8 ₽3 ₽
1 pc.1 pc.
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Blastmitt Boreblade
Blastmitt Boreblade

Dota 2

Immortal weapon

80 ₽